Emsley A Laney High School


Our Treasure is Knowledge




Student Parking Information 2024-2025

Clip Art of Parking Lot with cars


Prior to Registration: 

Students and parents should read the Student Parking Agreements thoroughly and be prepared to answer questions when applying online. Students will need to register using their school Gmail account. 

NHCS Parking Agreement

Laney Parking Regulations


Due to the high demand for student parking, attendance and academics are part of receiving a parking decal for the entire school year. The following expectations are listed below:

  • Must have passed all of their classes and have a 2.0 weighted GPA.
  • Must not have excessive unexcused absences/tardies.
  • Must not have excessive or serious discipline referrals.

Where to Register? When to register?

Maintaining your decal: 

  • A report will be generated at the end of the 1st 9 weeks.

  • Any student who fails to meet the eligibility requirements will be placed on probation for the next 9 weeks. Students and parents will be notified of this probation by the school administration. If that student does not meet the requirements at the end of the next 9 weeks, their decal will be revoked for the remainder of the year and will be given to the next student on the waiting list. 

Does registering guarantee me a parking spot for the 2024-2025 school year?

No, student parking is limited. All rising Seniors who register during the designated period will be guaranteed a spot if all other requirements have been met. Failure to complete the registration during that time may result in no parking spot. 

Any rising Junior who tries to register during the Senior period will be placed at the bottom of the parking list. You must hold a valid driver’s license before the first day of school to receive a parking decal. See details below if you will not have a driver’s license by the first day of school.

After Senior registration is complete, parking spots will then become available to rising Juniors on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

**9th and 10th-grade students are not allowed to drive to campus for any reason.**

What are my options once all of the parking spots have been sold?

Once we are sold out, that is it. There will be no other options for parking during the 2023-2024 school year. It will be your responsibility to arrange alternate transportation. Your name will be placed on the waitlist and if a spot becomes available you will be notified and offered a spot.

How will I know when I can pick up my parking decal?

Notification will be sent to your student email by Friday, June 9th letting you know if you have been approved for student parking. Decal pickup will be scheduled in August. An email and all call will go out at a later time with this information.